
Current Archive

The overall CHIA archive is a distributed archive, linking a growing number of repositories. Principal applications and incorporated data are held on the CHIA Server (“Poirot”) contributed and maintained by the School of Information Science (SIS) at Pitt and on the Zadorozhny server in SIS. Computations are performed on Poirot and through the services of the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center. Additional data files are held on the Dataverse Network at Harvard University. Various other data files associated with CHIA are held on servers of cooperating researchers; these are linked increasingly by API to Poirot.

Future Archive

To achieve global and interactive analysis of historical data, it is not sufficient to assemble a large number of datasets—the data need to be merged into a distributed but uniform data repository. Nor is it possible to create a uniform data repository through automated processing of the existing metadata—the terms are inconsistent and, too often, there turn out to be major bits of information simply missing. The problem is that additional metadata must be created to account for harmonization and linkage of inconsistent local datasets and for aggregation to regional and global levels. The CHIA project is to address these issues directly through creation of a global historical data resource.

The tasks involved in creating a global archive include: